Marta Asatryan

On July 10-16, a group of 30 students of the Research High School of Yerevan Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex participated in an international festival in Montenegro.

Although the EduComplex has years of experience in participating in international camp-trips, it was the first time that the entire program and organization had been carried out by the teachers of the EduComplex.

In the report of the project, I will try to present in detail the importance of participation in the international festival, its continuity and suggestions for development.

The first Sebastian pilgrimage to the Mkhitarist Congregation was planned to carry out.  Due to circumstances, the direction changed. We chose such a destination that there would be no problem of obtaining a visa and it would be possible to travel without any obstacles.

Like all educational travel projects, this project was sent to students’ e-mail addresses so that they could familiarize themselves with it and sign up. As a result, a project group of 30 students, consisting of students of grades 9-12, was formed.

At the very beginning of the report, I would like to highlight that this educational trip showed that our students have achieved the expected learning outcomes of a graduate of the general education secondary program determined by the State Standards:

  • to be able to communicate orally fluently and spontaneously, in at least two foreign languages, with native speakers on topics of interest
  • to show respect and an impartial, individual and self-aware approach to traditions and rules of social coexistence, considering them from the perspective of human rights and respect for other persons,
  • to show a respectful and caring attitude towards national and world art values, show knowledge of culture and a desire to communicate with it,
  • to present the place and role of Armenian culture in world culture and the role of world culture in the context of universal values,
  • it is important to be the inheritor of the Armenian and world historical and cultural values ​​and to show a responsible attitude in their preservation.

Educational trips are part of the educational program. They are determined by the subject syllabus or educational project and can be considered to be an independent educational project. The trips of the subject syllabus determined by the educational program form abilities, skills, and values ​​in students that are for their whole life. During international trips and camps, students undergo a unique review of what they have learned.

The trip itself

International trips start from Zvartnots airport. The review of students’ independence, the final outcomes of teaching through educational trips begins right here: reservation of seats, passport checkpoints, the gate and plane. There were many in the group of students who were going through all this for the first time.

The airport in Podgorica is not that big, and we easily passed through all the points and soon arrived in Dobri Voda, one of the villages of the Bar region, which is located on the Adriatic coast.

The festival

XXIV International Festival for Dance and Songs BISERNO MORE was held on July 12.

This year’s festival, in its organizational form and content, was different from the one held in Paris. There was not that brilliance, there was not that solemnity. Participating countries were: Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Canada, Ukraine, Armenia, Hungary. The groups were  students of music schools having experience of performing on stages, stage costumes and art. All participants received participation certificates. The previous year’s festival in Paris was more formal. When there are prize places, competition, it is more binding.

Anyway, this is an experience that is important in the life of students. Our students are able to gather at the most important moments and present themselves very well.

Getting to know the country

Montenegro is one of the countries where from April 1 to October 1, Armenians can travel without a visa. It is quite a good destination for summer vacation, where you can combine the sea and getting some knowledge of the new.

There is a lot to see here, and it is good that you plan everything in advance so that all the days are educational for the students. We visited the cities of Budva, Kotor, Tivat, Herzog-Novi during the seven-day travel days. It is important that students become acquainted with the country’s culture, see how they preserve the old and present it in a new way.

Let me talk about the places we visited.

Budva is the most popular town in Montenegro, attracting millions of tourists to its beaches. Besides the Adriatic beaches, Budva is also famous for its Old Town. The historical part of Budva is very small that has also been restored after the earthquake. Budva’s symbol is two fused fishes. According to the legend, once young lovers lived in Budva, the beautiful Elena and the bricklayer Marko Mitrova. Elena’s rich father did not want to give his daughter to a poor bricklayer. The lovers, fearing to be separated from each other, threw themselves from the high castle wall of the old city into the raging sea holding each other’s hands. As soon as they touched the water, they turned into two beautiful fish and were never separated. The witnesses of the suicide and the miracle that followed said: “Let two become one” (Ko jedno nek budu dva). Thus, according to the legend, the city was named Budva.

Budva is known for its monochromatic tiled roofs. There are not many historical monuments here, but there are many narrow streets with unique historical-architectural solutions. From here there is a magnificent view of the Budva bay and the rocky Lavcek mountains.

Kotor is the most interesting city in Montenegro for lovers of historical sights. The Old Town of Kotor, built by Venetian architects and included in the UNESCO list, is well preserved and very attractive. Half of Montenegro’s UNESCO-listed monuments are located in Kotor itself. St. John’s Castle alone represents a great historical value. It is located two hundred meters above the city and is surrounded by a four-kilometer wall. The bay opening between the rocks makes the location of Kotor indescribably magnificent. The old town of Kotor is quite beautiful, preserving the old in a new way. At first glance, Kotor does not stand out with architectural masterpieces, but after walking a little, you can see the streets in all the details. The unexpectedness of solutions, combinations, taste attract any tourist.

We had an interesting cruise in the Boko-Kotor Bay. We stopped at the city of Perast and the island of the Holy Mother of God. The island is self-made, built by locals for over a hundred years by throwing stones into the water.

We also went to the north of the country, which is very different from the cities on the Adriatic coast. After a few hours, you find yourself in a completely different climate zone, on a different landscape. We spent the day in the mountains of Montenegro. We walked to Black Lake. The lake has a glacier origin, 1416 m high and is located in the Durmitor National Park.

Our next stop was the Tara River Canyon. The second deepest canyon in the world – 1300 m. The Djurjevic bridge was built on it, which for many years was the only road connecting the south and the north of the country.


It is the second year that I have been coordinating the project of EduComplex students’ participation in the international festivals, and I must state that this is an important project for both the students and the EduComplex. It is good that the educational complex is known not only for Armenian camps and country study trips, but also for foreign programs, especially having the parents’ support and investment in it.

In any case, I suggest that we should try the pilgrimage to St. Lazar once again. It is an important project, and it would be good to implement it. We have experience and can initiate it with a small group through another embassy.

This idea of ​​Montenegro as a summer camp destination can also be developed. I think it’s worth discussing… Every time new people are in charge, naturally Lusine and I will support with organizational and content issues.

About our students

I am glad that we have such students, I am glad that our work and efforts are bearing fruit. They encourage, cheer, empathize and support. Thanks to everyone for these days.

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