Emanuel Agjoyan

Teaching through educational trips is one of the important components of the ecology course implemented in the Yerevan Mkhitar Sebastatsi EduComplex. The developed one-day or multi-day educational trips are in line with the objectives of the subject syllabus, the content basis of the syllabus, and as a teaching method, they provide an opportunity to solve the problems faced by the subject and achieve the final outcomes defined by the standards of teaching.

Environmental trips are one of the main directions of educational trips implemented in the EduComplex. Moreover, almost all our trips contain an environmental component.

Each educational trip is preceded by a preparatory stage, during which students study and prepare the route advised by the teacher. They also review the ecological issues related to the area, and make a map of the area and the route. To make the preparatory work more effective, division of work is done, after which the separate works done by the students are collected in one package. During an educational trip, students take part in a variety of open air classes, reinforcing theoretical knowledge with scenes of the real environment.

At the end of the educational trip, our students submit a report summarizing what they have seen and what knowledge and skills they have gained. Such summaries of their trip reports very often become teaching materials that can be presented to a larger audience.

Educational trips organized within the framework of the “Ecology” course, can be conventionally divided into three main directions:

• study of human-nature relationship,

• getting to know the natural environment,

• cooperation with other organizations.
The educational trips, which are aimed at studying the human-nature relationship and the environment changed as a result of these relationships, are mainly organized in the mining regions of Armenia, where the mining industry has been carried out for decades. This fact has left its mark on various natural complexes. During such educational trips, students have the opportunity to get to know the process of the mining industry, to witness the work performed in the factories, and if possible, to see the entire process in real mode. During such trips there are also many ecological problems caused by industry: abandoned factories, huge tailings, mineral pits leading to desertification and also polluted rivers and lakes.

To fully study the relationship between man and nature, two main locations can be distinguished in Armenia: the mining south of Armenia and the mining north of Armenia.

Educational trips aimed at getting to know the natural environment are mainly directed to those places in Armenia where the natural environment has relatively preserved its natural appearance. If possible, the planning of such educational trips also includes visits to specially protected areas: nature reserves, sanctuaries, arboretums, and natural monuments. During such trips, our students are given the opportunity to be closer to nature, so that they can appreciate it better.

Tavush Region, the western part of Lori Region, as well as specially protected places of the Republic of Armenia the preferred destinations for organizing educational trips of such content.

Mkhitar Sebastatsi EduComplex has carried out ecological education during its long-term activity and has managed to gain like-minded partners, with whom environmental camps have also been held. One such partner is the “Wildlife and Cultural Values ​​Preservation” Foundation, with which 4 joint camps have been held this year. During such camps, expert environmentalists share their experience with our students who have a unique opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills. During such camps, students are also given the opportunity to participate in a number of practical activities aimed at environmental protection.

Environmental educational trips give students the opportunity not only to have a full understanding of human-nature relations, but also help to form a clear attitude towards the environment, one of the main goals set by the subject program.

Such study trips solve several problems at once, which are separated in the subject program of the course. In particular, the many ecological problems facing students give an opportunity to have a full understanding of the options for solving these problems and to make educational projects, which can also be raised as necessary, attracting the attention of society and relevant bodies. Environmentally-oriented educational trips give students the opportunity to complete the knowledge they received during the course, as well as to make the acquired skills more practical and applicable.

Such educational trips solve several problems at once, which are separated in the subject syllabus of the course. In particular, students face many ecological problems which give them an opportunity to have a full understanding of the options for solving these problems and to make educational projects, which can also be raised as necessary, attracting the attention of society and relevant governmental bodies. Environmentally-oriented educational trips give students the opportunity to complete the knowledge they received during the course, as well as to make the acquired skills more practical and applicable.

Educational eco-trips also give students the opportunity to see and understand alternative versions of human-nature relationships, in particular, the prospects for the development of ecotourism in Armenia.

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