Translator: Yura Ganjalyan

Let’s honour the previous five annual Public Educational Digitechs beginning with the one in 2009.  

It is a fact that the effective use of digital means as educational tools has been substantiated in the author educational programs worked out and realized in the “Mkhitar Sebastatsi” Educomplex. It is a fact that all the learners, teachers educators and other pedagogical employees of all the 8 public schools of the Educomplex come to the Educomplex with their personal note-book/net-books. It is a fact that all the 7 educational structures of the Educomplex are areas of Wifi Internet. It is a fact that our website is an educational area for each of the Sebastatsies, and the media library of the Educomplex serves not only our learnears and  employees. It is a fact that the learners’ and teachers’ individual, group or class blogs, and the blogs of the educational clubs are indespensable means of education. You may read the learnes’ and teachers’ Digi-tales applied for the Public Educational Digitech 2014 nomination “The educator’s, learner’s, parent’s educational activities Digi-tale 2013-2014”  and You will register another fact, project based teaching in the Educomplex.                   

The Public Educational Digitech, having developed in such an environment and in such conditions, was to change and is to change in order to be continuously up to date as a Review of  mobile activities school, the start of applications for which was given today, on the 14th of January. You may read the twenty nominations of the review on the official Digitech site.   

With the existence of these starting facts, it is an unthankful deed to make any predictions and express wishes about the 6th Public Educational Digitech. Who knows what enhancements will take place in the coming 25 days? We have to be participants and disseminators of the review helping the Middle School, the review organizer and the director of the review Lusine Bush. 

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