In order to come closer to the wishes for the 2016-2017 academic year, we should take into consideration each complaint, dissatisfaction for the 2015-2016 academic year to find solutions to them, to experiment so as to be able to define the future activities.

Never postpone anything, do it now… I myself do that way, more and more mobile, I never put off till tomorrow what I can do today. Working out and organization of the curriculum and author educational programs implementation can’t be a mere reform of the 2015-2016 curriculum and author educational programs. Under the conditions of continued growth of the volume and forms of interactions it is true that the organization of our pedagogy has undergone some alterations, but still it doesn’t satisfy me. When we are all teachers for all of us, when our author educational program is presented to the learner, parent, community, it is no longer possible to live a dual life: the one who is you by nature, and the one who introduces oneself or who conforms to the author educational program demands.                 

Nowadays with the hope of coming to complete solutions different groups are discussing and new models of organizing our educational process are being circulated.

The organization of education in our school of life which we have chosen, formation of learners’ individual curriculums as continuation of their professional orientation: professional education and work preparation. Here we can see the shortcomings and achievements of our author educational program. 

Our school of life is an alternative with its organization of creative education in a fostering environment and inclusive impact. The teacher and learner exchange with their places in our school of life. There is no strictly determined status given by the director’s order, but there should certainly be responsibility and care taken for the juniors. Such relationships determine the teacher-learner individual curriculum, working time and organization of author educational program. The state program of public education with its lesson-classroom system is so easily organized that nobody will get rid of it and why should they do it? … But the author educational program is responsible for the implementation of the public educational program on the one hand: carrying out curriculums and the standards of subject syllabuses, and an alternative educational program on the other hand: implementing the state curriculums and standards by using diverse ways of organizing education, methods and means of teaching.

The open educational system of the Educomplex is becoming more and more recognizable, publicly attractive. Young experts from six countries, the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Brazil, Serbia and Turkey, lived in the residential lodging of our Art School, fully participated in our educational life, taught the learners of Grades 9-12 the course “Financial Literacy” in English. Tens and tens of groups from different schools of the Republic of Armenia take part in our open educational reviews and many of them stay at our residential lodgings. On the other hand, one of the AR TV journalists was stating the other day that it is impossible to enter any public school in Yerevan without a special preliminary permission given by authorities. A next in turn group of international experts visited us on the request of our partner Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets.       

The theatre of speech and show is a tool of education, which, I am sure, will have the best platform during the June Theatrical Festival.                         

Our Art School, the Educomplex art, does not know any borders in our Republic. The Art School exhibition hall has exhibited the works of our learners to us and our Georgian partners.  

Our learners can always be envied: they are surrounded by teachers who are very pleasant to go on an educational trip with, to learn about new things by travelling. I have the right to speak about the necessity of having athletic posture with my own example: comfortable sports clothing for the learners of different age groups and teachers to be ready for mobile life during the whole working day, going on a hike, conquering summits, riding bicycles, swimming or being engaged in other sports activities. 

Launching open air, hygienic, self-service swimming pools with their sand beaches in the gardens of all our primary schools is a necessary and already a traditional component of an activity uniting junior and senior Sebastatsies. In addition we will have our camp on the shore of Lake Sevan in the territory of the health center “Zhair”.      

The Educomplex is a world of chess. Each school here has its own chess club or chess corner. These chess clubs and corners are open every day, and they create an everyday life full of chess activities. Chess is not a mere public educational school subject with assessing marks. It would be anti-pedagogical. In our Educomplex chess is aimed at physical and mental harmonic development and self-expression of each learner and teacher.

The Review of the ecological and nature protection projects Eco Tour was born in our educational life, and changes in it have developed with our life. The necessity of these changes was shown in the round table discussions held by the review organizers. I have always wanted to have a nursery farm of special care in each our school garden where learners will plant new seedlings or sow seeds. In this way we will take care of our future.     

Translator: Yura Ganjalyan

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