I admire the Sebastatsi start of the 2017-2018 academic year. I also admire the project based teaching week starting on September 4. This is the time to cast a glance at the way we are to pass during the whole academic year. This is the time of a good start to outline our individual trajectory… so that each teacher will be a leader and lead a group of students with at least one educational project.       


 We are determined to hold the line at establishing the status-potential of a specialist-teacher. This equally concerns the primary school teachers who are organizers of the educational programme “Fun of Discovering Knowledge”, the teachers of foreign languages (Georgian, Turkish, Persian, Spanish, German, French, Russian, English) and the teachers of Fine Arts. The problem of overcoming the discrimination of all the components of our author pedagogy and stacking of separate groups has been included in today’s agenda. Our main priority is not just conducting lessons in the classrooms according to the fixed schedule. It is the new way of organizing education with a new content that matters. We can’t help solving this vital issue during the week of project based teaching at our creative gathering and in this way, considering the 2017-2018 academic year to be the start of what is new.        

The initiator of the project training group, the teacher-specialist should be in the foreground, and the Educomplex management should be executed in direct compliance with him/her. The staff of the Educomplex director and those of the Educomplex schools, the Educomplex financial means, external relations and educational exchange programs should serve the teacher-specialist, the author of our pedagogy.          

It is a year, a period of willingness and inspiration for the teacher-specialist and let him be confident in all his endeavors.     

 Education of 5-6-year-old Children

Every year a special care is taken of all the 250 5-6-year-old children beginning their educational program, their halls with conveniences in the form of housewarming or renewing their educational environment. Although every year I want these preparations to finish until September they still continue in September. There will be housewarmings in the College and in the Northern School with new solutions.

Foreign Languages

What educational projects will the foreign language teachers present to the creative gathering for the organization of compulsory English with the program of secondary education and Russian with the program of basic education? And what projects will they offer for the organization of learners’ elective courses in Georgian, Turkish, Persian, German, Spanish and French? How will they make the offered foreign language be inclusive for 5-12-year-old children and bring them to real life? How will they connect the learners’ and the Educomplex teachers’ efforts to learn foreign languages with the real life? How will they use the recommended language in their lives as much as they can? What is the value of public education with its inclusiveness without this close to life approach? Otherwise, foreign languages have been and will remain foreign. So, it is not the number of allocated hours that matters but the organization and content. New wine into new wineskins!   

 Our six-year-old Davit Bleyan assures us that he knows Russian and English and very soon he will know Georgian. He certainly knows some Russian: perceives-guesses the meaning of speech and can use such language forms. Let him thank his Russian teacher, the Internet, educational films, animated cartoons, games which make Russian part of his life.      

New Way of Teaching Arts

Why can’t we bring arts teaching with its fine arts and design, computer graphics, film making and photo technology to the learner’s educational environment, to the school? In this way, we can overcome the seclusion of our Fine Art School giving it the functions of the training center the way we have successfully organized our Music Center. 

Flash Mobs

I am inspired with our Flash Mobs of different school subjects. They are communicative lines among the Educomplex educational program, teachers, students, their families and in the result of these connections we acquire a broader connection between our author education and the community.   

Translator: Yura Ganjalyan

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