Ashot Bleyan, director of “Mkhitar Sebastatsi” Educomplex
Gevorg Hakobyan, deputy director of the Educomplex
Susan Markosyan, head of Pedagogical Center of the Educomplex

That’s how it turned out. The distance-online training, which started on March 2, step by step, on March 2-6, March 16-20, March 23-27, with family schools created on March 30, continues until May 14, in fact, coinciding with the end of the 3rd schooling period. It was in this period that we formed the educational community of Sebastatsies and became the schools of educational community.

Today’s online meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the Educational Complex confirmed that by replacing the educational physical environment with the environment of everyone’s home, with daily open online meetings, with the guidelines of organizing family-online-distance learning process, we have found ourselves in a unified media educational environment.

On April 14, the schools, college and educational centers of the Educational Complex submit the reports of the distance-online period to the Governing Council of the Educomplex. Each family school can participate with its supplement-offer.

The trees in the Eastern School-garden are in full blossom

Now we are meeting the next stage of our family-distance-online educational period, which starts on April 13. We are publishing the calendar of online discussions from April 13 to April 30. As we have agreed, the participants of the discussions will be project groups, students, parents acting as family teachers, friends following our activities.

At this stage:

  • The consolidation of blog-based learning and discussion of blog requirements in the families become a family project.
  • The following events are given importance to: the exit-entry reviews of educational programs, presentation of individual skills and abilities of the 3rd, 5th, 8th graders, open online meetings of the 12th graders with the director of the Educomplex, the review of media literacy of 6-year-olds. 
  • The individualization of the student’s educational work in the family school is brought to the fore. The individual work of each student is a subject to evaluation. If anyone has fallen behind, has problems, they should fix the problem solve it having the support and help of teacher-organizers.

Parallelly, this is an entry period for non-Sebastatsi students who want to be admitted to schools and the college of the educational complex in the prescribed manner. It is an invitation-notification, a volunteer work environment for specialists, parents who have become teachers in family schools, who want to recruit the staff of the author pedagogy in the prescribed manner.

For the Sebastatsi educator, this is a public, open confirmation of his/her status prescribed by his/her work contract, with the organization of a real blog-based learning for the learner and for the parent who has become a teacher for his/her child.

This is also a period of the expansion of the Bleyan Educational Network beyond the South-West district of Yerevan.

The staff of the director of the Educomplex, the services of protection, care and improvement of school buildings and yards continue to function.

From April 13, the coaches of the Educomplex will join that work, cleaning and leveling the stadiums, sports grounds and the Festival Park of the Mother School. The creation of new in-school and inter-school alleys and flower-beds are new outdoor projects which are to be done by strictly observing the rules of the emergency regime and personal hygiene.  

Winepress: Production Training

With an inner desire to learn, a new period of autonomous, creative work begins with the coming of Easter.

Translator: Yura Ganjalyan

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