In each school year, changes and innovations in the Mkhitar Sebastatsi EduComplex are an integral part of the organization of the educational process.

The number of learners in the educational complex increases every year, a large flow is registered. Due to that, there is a need to expand the educational areas.

Renovation work of the ground floor of our South School Garden is one of the main goals for the 2021-2022 school year.

The building of the South School Garden was initially designed to be a kindergarten for 12 groups, but throughout recent years, it has been reconstructed and now it fits into a primary school with two kindergarten groups.

The South School Garden is one of the 4 primary schools of the educational complex. It is attended by kindergarten groups of 2-4 years old children, a group of 5 years old, and learners of Grades 1-5. Compared to 2020-2021, the number of students in the South School garden has increased by about 100, and the existing areas were no longer enough for classrooms and training laboratories.

A New Educational Ground Floor

The cleaning of the basement floor started with great vigor in the South School Garden. The space was big and there was a lot of work to do. With the help of students and teachers, we started clearing the basement from the rubbish left since the 90s, and tons of garbage came out of the former basements. Over the years, that section had been turned into a warehouse. There was a lot of junk, useless storage items. We sorted everything, moved it to the appropriate places, and separated what was necessary. During the summer months, the the whole garbage was cleared away. The end of the first phase was already visible. The design phase began, which also involved parents who were professionals. Parents’ suggestions for building materials, entrances, and other construction issues were very important. Then concreting works of the area started. The whole new basement ground floor was covered with concrete. The continuation was the work of regulating the electricity. Outlets and lights were installed. Then furnishing works started with the property corresponding to the area.

The learners were very much inspired by their new areas. During the summer months, the school turned into a three storey building. The fact was encouraging. The weather conditions were also in favor of the newly opened territories. It was quite hot outside, but the new training area was cool, quiet, and noiseless.

The areas were separated according to the purpose: 4-5th grades, a new gym hall, a technology hall, a music hall, and a cloakroom.


Outside the inner yards of the school were being paved. Green spread everywhere. To avoid rainwater, new gutters were installed, which now also help to irrigate and feed the green slopes, moreover, water doesn’t go down into the basement. 

The Gardener’s Cottage

In the new school year, in parallel with the cleaning of the ground floor, there was a need to create a corner for gardening tools. Since the former basements were used for this purpose and it was no longer possible to leave them in that area. A bus having been parked in the school area, was turned into a gardener’s cottage because it didn’t work and was a useless piece of metal.

All the gardening tools were put here. Now it also serves the gardener as a changing room. The cottage has become the learners’ favorite place. They come here, take the tools work in the garden with them and then put them in their places.

AThe Alley of Roses  

One of the most important works of the new school year was the creation of the alley of roses at the main entrance of the South School Garden. Asphalt was removed and in its place roses were planted. All the learners and teachers took part in the creation of alley of roses. Each learner planted his/her rose, and taking care of the roses became one of their everyday tasks.  

The Orchard   

We used the autumn tree planting season for planting new fruit trees and shrubs. While walking in the school orchard, we can see cherry, apple, apricot, birch, peach, pear and other fruit trees. In the eastern part, there is a nursery of grape vines, and on the western slope there are newly planted vines.

The Sports Ground

The sports ground on the west side of the school garden got a new look with its football gates, volleyball net and gymnastics section. Learners’ daily sports lessons are organized on the sports ground. The South School has changed a lot. It has changed its color, and the green areas, the well-kept gardens are pleasing to the eye of the passer-by. It is a different perspective, a different pedagogy, a new platform.

Translator: Yura Ganjalyan

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