To study to be able to work is a natural process of life. To work to be able to study is something that can be considered a wonder. 2020 was a turning point in all respects. The Earth decided to teach humanity a lesson after long considerations, and in 2020 our consciousness reached the same milestone, regardless of age. Staying at home, following the situation in the world, each of us perceived and accepted the world changes in our own way. Many became idle, making a regress in their own brains and bodies, while others took the opportunity to devote their free time to acquiring new knowledge, skills, and jobs.

While we were changing our level of consciousness, a large group of people encountered living problems. Online work was available in rare cases, many working places closed down, and due to this, families faced big problems. Even now, when the situation has more or less improved, the problem of work is still not solved. There are many families facing this fact. Not only Armenia but the whole world has such a problem.

Mkhitar Sebastatsi educational complex has adopted a principle according to which learners can work. Families also gave their consent that learners could combine work with their studies. The fact that the educational complex now also employs girl-students is encouraging.

The educational centers of the EduComplex have become employers, and the students have been involved in the production training activities.

The employees on the educational farm

Davit Harutyunyan, a student of Grade 11 and Patrik Gazanchyan, a student of Grade 12, are working in the EduComplex as school gardeners. Every day their work activities are registered, and they can gain new skills. They are gardener-students. The boys’ everyday work is taking care of the garden, keeping the garden clean and soil compaction.

How excited David is to tell that in addition to paying his tuition, he bought a present for his brother with his wages. It seems like nothing, but these are the human qualities that are formed during work.

The employees in the educational center “Tigran Hayrapetyan” Library

Lilit Saribekyan, Inna Banduryan, and Meline Zhamkochyan began working in the library performing different functions. The work becomes an entire teaching process. What are they learning here? Creating the archive of the school website, scanning, and typing. This work can become a profession later.

Lilit Saribekyan works in the archive, types texts on the computer, collects works and authors through a computer program. In her free time she works from home.  

Inna banduryan and Meline Zhamkochyan work in the library in a physical environment. They do scanning of the books and then process the scanned books with a special program. The work helps to have the online version of the books, which is convenient to use. All work is organized in a special file, indicating the beginning and end of the work.

The employees in the IT Laboratory

Hovhannes Sargsyan, an 11th grader, is an active and persistent learner. He began studying in the EduComplex last year and has taken up IT activities ever since. He is giving the learners lessons on Robotix and 3D Printing and has already managed to give final products in programming.

11th graders Liza Tsaturyan and Tatev Ayvazyan are teaching mobile programming to the primary school learners. Liza and Tatev got a nominal award for their consistent work.  

There are many students working in our high school; the work directions are different. Let me bring some examples.

The working activity of 12th grade student Liana Melkonyan: it is interesting when you are different; being different in respect of work is even more inspiring. Liana learned the art of tattooing and started working in a new profession.

Edmond Poghosyan (11th grade) is from the film-photo group. He has mastered the skills of editing, which helps him to have a convenient job on a news website and earn his own money. Edmond participates in the educational trips, meetings and covers them.

The high school student should be part of the system in which he or she is studying, must understand the importance of the work, and should evaluate his or her own strengths.

In conclusion, I would say that a hardworking person is always able to combine studying and working.

Translator: Yura Ganjalyan

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