Translator: Yura Ganjalyan

Yerevan “Mkhitar Sebastatsi” Educomplex of the Ministry of ES of RA

Author Educational Programmes: Mobile School 2013-2014

September 26-27, 2013


The following educational projects, being carried out in the Educomplex in 2013-2014, are presented to public discussion

Subject syllabuses of the 2013-2014 academic year
Komitas Days
Project for participation in Digitech Expo
Project for the creative gathering in Gandzasar where educational projects are to be summarized
Project demonstrating “New Educational Environment”
Project of the Educomplex Day festivity
“Public EduDigitech 2014”
Public EduDigitech camp
Public Educational Ecotour 2014
Public Educational Ecotour camp
Izmir Space Camp 2014
Armenian Space Camp 2014
Military-Sports Camp “Knight” 2014
Expeditional field open-air mobile school (field camp)
The materials are published in the teachers’ and learners’ blogs, on the website, in the four-language “Dpir”, the “Lusastgh”, the “Partez”.
The organizers of the gathering are the school, college, laboratory, club, class and separate groups. Each of them makes their its own gathering programme.

The Educomplex teacher’s participation in making and working out one of these projects, and also presenting one methodological article, is mandatory.

The Gathering Agenda

By September 24: Publishing and discussion of the educational projects and methodological articles

September 26

9.00 – 9.30 General training in the schools of the Educomplex

9.30 – 12.35 Open lessons in the middle school and high school-gymnasium of the Educomplex

12.35 – 13.00 Lunch break: treatment of Armenian traditional dishes

13.30 – 15.00 Open specialty teaching trainings in the Trade and Art High Schools of the Educomplex

15.15 – 16.00 General media training, summarizing the daily activities in the Marble Hall.

September 27

9.00 – 9.30 General training in the schools of the Educomplex

9.30 – 12.35 Open lessons in the school-gardens of the Educomplex

12.35 – 13.00 Lunch Break: treatment of the Armenian traditional dishes
13.00 – 15.00 Learners’ activities according to their choice in Grades 2-6

15.15 – 16.15 General media training in the Marble Hall

September 28 Outgoing round table discussions of the author educational programmes in the educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia

The gathering participants can be hosted in the Guest Home of the Educomplex on September 26-27. Please inform us of Your participation beforehand.

Address: South-West District B-1, Raffi 57, opposite the Holy Trinity Church

Tel: (374 10) 74 72 46, (374 77) 43 55 41

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