Author: Lusine Bush

Translator: Liana Asatryan

School project discussions and debates haven’t been stopped, while such kind of education is already a reality. Projects are being carried out on almost all the subjects, by all the teachers and, leaves to be desired, by all the pupils. Every pupil can take part in this or that project depending on the abilities, and, of course, if he/she has enough time, can take part in all the projects held in class. The project work is neither innovation, nor panacea, aimed at integrating everyone in the educational process. It is just one of the ways of realizing education, which can make the activity interesting, favor the development of the learner’s creative and research skills. Project based teaching is the natural result of the education of specialized programs with ICT means in the educational Complex: it was no longer possible to stay adhered only to paper and pen or paper books. The educational institution which is realizing the program, ”Notebook is my classmate”, where cordless internet and the  interactive board are as natural as a pen and paper, should raise its educational process to another scale.

To express this in a more modern language, we can say that project based education is the 3D form of education: here we don’t have the former way of dividing the learners’ work into classwork and home assignment, thus, the teacher and the learner appear in such a situation that they work continually and everywhere. The following activities may become subject components which weren’t confronted with before: educational trips, educational social projects, family and school holidays, undertakings which have become traditional.

Annual public educational Digitech can be considered to be one of the above mentioned projects which have a new peculiarity every year.  It finds its reflection in different undertakings, gatherings, presentations during the whole year. The school and group of students in charge had been working in that direction since summer: disseminating advertisements in the Facebook, publishing the project in the Digitech subsite, going round the schools of the Educomplex and teaching the junior learners new computer programs. Now all the opportunities are taken to advertise, disseminate and present the public educational Digitech. So the start of the public educational Digitech 2014 was given during Digitech Expo 2013 on October 4-6, and the works are supposed to be summarized in Gandzasar camp, in March 2014, and that summary as it was last year, will become next year’s Digitech.

It is necessary to mention that realizing projects we don’t completely refuse or reject the content of public education. On the contrary, the project becomes a meaningful component of the state educational standards and subject syllabuses based on the author alternative educational programs. Project realization is carried out paralleled with the public education. It can be based both on the requirements and subject matter of the public educational subject syllabuses and the educational calendar of the Educomplex. 

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