From Ashot Bleyan’s diary for June 2020

June 1: “I am the dream of every mother …”

The experience of the Graduate author TV gained in our High School by me, Gevorg  Hakobyan, Susan Markosyan is to be continued. It begins today․․․ “Towards the 2020-2021 academic year”: Author TV, the daily program of meetings of authors of author pedagogy ․․․ online round table, with Sebastatsi pedagogical groups, in an unhurried, trustful, respectful and partnership regime towards the September of 2020. We will present and solve the summer educational problems. ․․ There will be a discussion-agreement with the authors of our 30-year-old work of author pedagogy: experienced-mentor or beginners – there has been no discrimination or any separation. The highlight of our activities has always been the daily creative continuous work, our pedagogical, which is continuous and open to public, presented in the educational blogs of the pedagogical employees.

June 2: “Do not give up…You shouldn’t forget”
It was the purity of our mother tongue, pure as my ideas…Let me go to my sister Emma. ․․․Where could Lilit and Nazeni and also I and Davit Bleyan acquire this faithful and frank attitude towards the Armenian Language, without which my life would become a curse and hell? This attitude towards Armenian comes from my sister Emma Bleyan-Hovhannisyan and from my and Emma’s teacher Rozik. ․․․

June 3: “You know it, don’t you?”
This bouquet of modern Armenian poetry makes our life beautiful, makes the motivation for reading higher. Lilit Bleyan’s selected poems are also published here.․․․Armenia, the capital city Yerevan lost in the mess of coronavirus. We are in Bleyan’s school. This is the hillside of the educational garden. Watch this film till the end.
Vigen Avetis’s announcement about the creative gathering of sculptures “The Slope of Sassoun or Mher’s Door”  has been published in the world-known journal of sculpture A.I.E.S.M.  You know, what great days you will have beginning from June 8, both in the physical world and in the Media. June Plein Air in the South-West District of Yerevan. Art Environment
cultivation of grapevines
green solutions  
environment, continuity, interactions

Music Festival
“Anti-virus Komitas”, “Ascension Ritual”, “Daredevils of Sassoun”, “Family Folk”

“Daredevils of Sassoun” other reading projects

 Our online meetings with the series of Sebastatsi TV shows, the beginning of which will be on June 1 at the Art School exhibition hall, and then in the College garden. We are continuously going towards the September of 2020 and acting according to the situation, and whatever it is, a dream or reality, it is our life, created by us. Come towards me, speak to me in my presence. Let’s speak openly about our joint activities, about aour achievements and failures which can be gone through. Teacxher, I am your faithful friend.

June 4: I am in the risk group. Yes, I am, but who for?

It is moonlit night. It is two a.m. and I am awake. When I went to bed, I was so exhausted and sleepy that I felt I would never wake up. I got up, looked at the clock and then looked out into the darkness through the balcony window. What could I do? I didn’t want to be awake, I wanted to fall asleep again. But it was the night that dominated. I spent the night on the political issues. I listened to Prime Minister’s speech and read the alternative viewpoint expressed by the leader of the Party Alternative Projects.

Look after me, spare me as I am already 65 by my birth certificate and passport. I am in the risk group, and I am to be protected by the state authorities, society, organization and by every one of you.       

June 5: “Not a word… look..” 
To go to the South School, before reaching Arno Babajanyan’s round-about way, you should turn right along the street of the district with newly built buildings. The walk to the South is through gardens, privately-conquered and uncared for gardens. The impassable road was improved with an excavator, a few days ago, and it is now pleasing to the eye. It’s a blessing ․․․ Safe and convenient transition from the South School to Mother School is one of our summer priorities.

June 6:  “Great, I will do whatever I want to do”

Yesterday my son Davit declared, “Father, the last bell has gone…That’s the end, they will not give me any more home tasks. It will be illegal.”

That is how David greeted me at the end of Friday.

“And it is good”,  I say, “now we will devote all our time to the students of the family school, to the assignments, tasks of David and Astghik… Indeed, the “I will do whatever I want to do” period begins in our family schools. We, the three founders of the EduComplex, have been waiting for this for a long time.

A real open and creative June for the people of Sebastia of different ages, their family-group-individual initiatives… Let’s see, do you need a pedagogue from the EduComplex schools, an educational centers, or from a workshop? Everything is open and everybody is ready to help you.

The most Sebastian period starts on June 8…

June 7: «As a Brotherhood SOS» 
Our healthcare system is so vibrant and dignified that it can’t comply with the fact that dozens, tens of people are waiting for their turn to be admitted to hospital however the situation gets worse with the new virus, even if it is with a corona. Everything has its explanation but we can’t accept any excuse if our friends need emergent medical help and don’t get it. Never!  We aren’t dead, are we? What’s the problem? Aren’t there well-maintained, poorly-used, replaceable spaces that can be used for this goal in a matter of hours? Give us addresses, and we will work day and night to empty and clean them.

The Mother School of “Mkhitar Sebastatsi” Educational Complex can serve this goal, every building of the educational complex can be used. Let’s do everything with our own hands, with the authors of our work, let’s be on duty ․․․ Aren’t there specialists in healthcare, nurses, doctors? Let’s look for them among us in the reserve, in the families, in the workplaces. There are, of course. It is a matter of our life of each of us. In addition to the state free-guarantor, we will set up a private health care network to help with the pandemic, starting with testing and counseling.

Is there a lack of self-confidence, a dictation of some agreements? Let them tell us what to do or at least call us. It is a Sunday to overcome the period of resentment, cold relations, alienation.

Don’t we realize the scope of work to be done? But there are people who can imagine. Today, the private healthcare sector has spontaneously taken on part of the blow. Why not involve them in managing infection management professionally and competently?

Heads of both state and private structures of our healthcare system, well-known healthcare figures, come forward Messrs Kushkyan, Babloyan, Ara Minasyan, Armen Muradyan, Ararat Mkrtchyan, Nicholay Dallakyan, Armen Charchyan, Asatour Asartryan…  I am sorry for any classification.    For the society, for me personally, it is important to listen to you. …

June 8: “How can we make 2020 distinguished?”

What will be left from 2020?  Shall we be pleased only if we survive? Shall we be satisfied if the infection spares us? We will be satisfied if we record achievements in our oersonal lives and work during 2020. ․․ The year is divided into two halves with June ․․․ The most significant thing in 2020 is and will be the virus but for each of us the most significant thing will be our work, trace, achievement of the year.

June 9:  “As an Individual Achievement”
We are now focused on the traditional educational parade on September 4 dedicated to the new academic year, we will complete this work as a collective gift to each of us. I prefer as a gift the actual parade with its spontaneous design-educational solutions ․․․ Join us, Sebastatsi or non-Sebastatsi, we will constantly work with published projects and create reality, all summer ․․․

But before that, there is a creative gathering of sculptors starting from June 15….  

June 10: “Bees in my and your lives”

They exist in families in their wooden hives. Now you can count them. (They are 13 now.) You can visit them before they are taken to Arates. ․․ . We are thankful to Goginyan Armine  for this short way. ․․․ 
We are going to meet the hives in Arates and fix them in a suitable place. We have reserved a special accommodation-cottage for the beekeeper. We have also thought about how to make the hives safe from bears.  ․․․And within the framework of the June Plein Air, the work on the Environment project is urgent. Beekeeping will be organized in Arates during summer time…  It is not about being inspired. It is a job that needs to be done in good faith and quickly ․․․

A group of teachers and students of our College painted the metal of the grape pergolas English Green ․․․ They worked like bees ․․․

June 11: “Everyone finds what he/she looks for.”

The period of free activities of Bangladesh Plein Air called “I will do whatever I want to do” begins on May 25. It is the best period for expressing one’s free will and demonstrating own capabilities while being engaged in one’s favourite occupation. It doesn’t matter whether you are a new comer or an educator with big experience, all of you have a good chance to present your initiative in your work. Why not take that chance. The whole June is at your disposal. You have my full support.

It is said that they recognize you by your deeds.

Yesterday, we had a combined physical and online discussion: “Teaching in the 9th grade”. It was a real round-table discussion in the Festival park of Mother School. The organizers of our College and High School were present physically: Mariam Mkhitaryan, Julie Simonyan, Gohar Yeghoyan, Nelli Piloyan, while the headmistresses of the schools were following the discussion online. It was announced that about 180 students from our Middle School had applied to study in the 9th grade of our High School…..

June 13: “Unhurried and by the Right of an Individual”

In family schools, Sebastatsi students’ transitions from school-kindergartens to Middle School and from Middle School to High School become influential stimulus for their independence, autonomy and self-activity.     

Today’s 4th, 5th, 8th graders do not mechanically move to the corresponding 5th, 6th and 9th grades. Each of them has to pass a real maturity test in the family school, with the guarantee of the parents, with the encouraging advice of the teachers, presenting themselves as a full-fledged party to their education contract, discussing with the school principal, organizer, making his 2020-2021 individual curriculum, determining other peculiarities of their individual education.

This is such a real opportunity to make your education the work of your life, to do whatever you want to do, all summer, June-July-August, all the year with coronavirus and without it. Thus, with conscious-disciplined-active work, the infection will not only recede, but we will also have a higher immune capacity through education. This is how steel is hardened.

June 14: Mr Ashot Bleyan announces the Start of the Creative Open Gathering of Sculptors.

June 15:  “The unknown hillside turns into the Slope of Sassoun”  

 The Creative Open Gathering of Sculptors has started, and everything done on the festival platforms of the Mother School and College, from now on will refer to the epic tale The Daredevils of Sassoun, and little by little the unknown hillside near the Mother School will turn into the Slope of Sassoun in front of our eyes. We will overcome the pandemic isolation. We will turn The Daredevils of Sassoun into a world of epic discoveries. 

June 16: Thank you, Plein Air
Smbat Petrosyan writes from Arates: “Bangladesh Plein Air, are you real in all your directions? June is also a bridge to the educational July-August period I will do what I want todo.”

I am on my bike. Before going to the College I visit the new grape nursery of the Eastern School-garden initiated by Artak Rshtuni. We can always see the gardener here who is busy with the newly planted vines. ․․ Shortly afterwards, in the Northern School-garden, I secretly become convinced of the newly planted grape nursery. I have such a point of care in the educational farm too. All these nurseries have been promoted by the Art Environment, and we will not only be self-sufficient in our green design projects in the coming year, but also have a growing income in the financial inflows of the EduComplex budget. Thank you, Plein Air, for giving us grape nurseries.

June 17: Summer of educational reactions

The Educational Farm of the EduComplex, the Grape and Wine School with its winepress, and every student or teacher of the EduComplex have my full support. Start, expand ․․․ plant all kinds of nurseries everywhere ․․․ as a form of farming, as a research-cognitive activity, as a means of making a living with fair earnings, as a new form of homeland development…

Sebastatsi Mall is taking a decisive step with its exterior green design: applied art, homecraft, using the most traditional techniques and modern tools, including 3D printers, digital sewing machines ․․․

June 18: Extraordinary has become ordinary 
It is summer.

Today we are having an open public review of pre-school teachers in emergency conditions. ․․․ In June-July-August, we should continue our care pedagogy, in the family and school-garden environment, so that the inside and the outside become one integrity. ․․․ Well, now you suffer a lot every time by takin something, looking for something, installing, connecting or mending something.  We can make the 2-5-year-old children’s day outdoor, on the green grass, in the shade of the trees, and they can play, have a shower, swim, take meals in fresh air natural conditions.

June 21:  From Arates Festival Platform
Arates Festival Platform presents the Bleyan-Goginyan-Khachatryan family camp of the Open Creative Gathering of Sculptors 2020 “The Slope of Sassoun or Mher’s Door’”.

June 22: Family-camp days in Arates

I am in the role of the guide of the country study educational trip. I feel like I am fish in water. I wish the fish in Lake Sevan had the same feeling.

Arates has entered a specific period, when the camp there is full of families, friends, students with their teachers with a specific activity, cognitive activity, when they themselves take care of themselves. .․․

June 23: The only anti-virus against numorous viruses 
Mughni Church has been the companion of our adult life since the university years. It has been the organizer of our wedding-birth-blessing-prayer ceremonies ․․․ Gevorg Hakobyan godson is in the arms of Gevorg Hakobyan godson: they are the symbol my today’s diary note, the satisfaction of yesterday, the continuation of of our kinship for years. ․․․

According to Artem Khachatryan, there can be many viruses, the opposite of which is the birth, the creative disciplined life.

June 24: Thoughts born of considerate care
I wish this work to help people to love bees, the noble miracle of nature, to have literate and meaningful communication with them, never to consider them to be only useful insects, but to communicate with their solid family, to follow the example of that perfect society in many issues.

Our school in nature with its real educational bee families, in addition to general education-enlightenment beekeeping, will allow me to understand the soul of the hive, the essence of that mystery which is the key to the dialectics of what is natural and reasonable.

June 25:  How, what and why to compare?

Mother Armine often compares her only son Davit with her only daughter Astghik ․․․ See how generous I am. Apart from the fact that they both look like their father, they have no other similarities.

“It was easy with David,” – says Armine, “he was disciplined, used to go to sleep easily, didn’t get dirty, neither did he break anything. There was not much laundry. ․․․

Աստղիկի սիրած զբաղմունքներից է քո աչքի առաջ սեղանին դրված բաժակ-ամանը՝ թը՜փ․․․ Ծիծաղկոտ աչքերով կնայի․․․ Քո աչքի առաջ մեկ էլ սեղանին ինչ կա չկա շուռ կտա, կթափի, կտարածի տարածքով մեկ, այնպես որ բարկությունդ-սաստելդ կվերածվի զմայլանքի․․․ Նայիր ու նայիր․․․

One of Astghik’s favorite pastimes is breaking to pieces a cup or a plate on the table, just in front of your eyes. And then she will look at you in smiling eyes. Then your anger turns into amazement.  ․․․

June 26:  Happy, inspiring records

On the 1st of Luly, when the epic sword of Davit of Sassoun made by Vighen Avetis and Black Smith Khachik, will be installed on the hillside, and Tsovinar Mom will be presented dressed by the group of College tailor graduates, we will begin our third summer educational period. That will be the period of July-August family open school-laboratories, the period of voluntary creative work.   

 June 27Workman’s lunch with bread and wine   
To evaluate something means to create something.
The heads of the schools should involve the active members of the Sebastatsi educational community. They should create working groups including students, teachers, graduates and other friends of the EduComplex.
The organization of July 1 with its four platforms: The Slope of Sassoun, Art School, College, Festival Park, family schools should be full of participants. The work can be online or in physical environment. Everything should be disciplined.

June 28:  My deeds and notes are nonstop.

The spacious basement of the northern building of the Mother School was emptied last week for the development of new technological-educational solutions ․․․ It was extensive work that we did not even dare to start. This kind of self-confidence suits us. Let us all unite, let it be a new quality of Sebastatsies.

The College of the Educational Complex impressed the public by their presentation of  diploma projects in pottery, horticulture, gardening, grape-wine and sewing as a developing physical environment. I am thankful to all of you. ․․․ Long live us all.

 The Sasna Tsrer festival is gaining new momentum, entering a stage of decisive developments. We already have the first tent of the sculptors participating in the festival.

June 29:  We are entering the period of Ashot Bleyan’s whim

In July-August, on the eve of the new school year, the professional conference, professional groups, group leaders and members, creators and developers of author pedagogy, the heads of educational centers and laboratories should ensure the successful organization and holding the educational parade determined by the educational calendar.

Please, Sebastatsi individuals and groups, perform with all your talent, grace of creation, effort and strength ․․․

I will continue my writing by bringing samples of the whims of a 65-year-old man․․․

June 30 Open, outdoor, all day long, the whole summer

Conquer many picks, mountains, plateaus ․ You have my support, the God-given homeland is so generously available for you ․․․

I walk a lot, I work while walking. Closed areas, rooms and studies have not been mine for already a long period of time. ․․․ Our way of life should affect as something which is anti-virus.․․․

I rarely take a car. ․․․ I do not enter closed areas. I do not need a mask, so I am two meters away from people. I talk audibly, I do not complain about hearing ․․․ Yes, I’m on a bicycle, in reality and figuratively, and from July on I’ll be on a horse ․․․

Translator: Yura Ganjalyan

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