Ashot Bleyan, Pedagogical Club, Marta Asatryan, Susan Markosyan

In the educational complex, the Research High School and the College of Career Education complement each other, for the benefit of the student’s professional orientation, the possibility of choice.

Educational programs of Grades 10-11 and 12 are separated.

Organization of individual learning, self-education, research work, additional education of the student in the one-year program implemented in Grades 12.

  • Education is organized by the student’s individual plan, which includes general education courses, courses chosen by the student, components of the “Farewell” educational module, projects developed by the student’s choice or on his own initiative, research work, his exam period, additional education.
  • A learner can choose a distance, face to face or blended learning program; the choice is expressed in his personal curriculum.
  • The learner’s individual curriculum and its performance is reflected in his/her educational blog.
  • General education courses, with the exception of the subjects chosen by the student, the sports club, end up at the end of the first academic term. Homework from general education courses is at the student’s choice.
  • During the second educational period, the student works with the learner-teacher project, is included in the camp squads of different age groups implementing the learner-teacher project and doing volunteer work.
  •  The state qualification with the short-term educational program of preliminary professional training is carried out in the prescribed manner.
  • The 12th graders’ defense of their research works is organized in January-February.
  • The year-round project is implemented with monthly publications at the student’s choice.
  • The “Farewell” module determined by the curriculum includes:

. teaching with concerts and rituals which ends up with individual and group concerts and “Farewell” festivity,

. technological projects of the “Farewell” festivity: creation of clothes, designing of the hall, flowers, presents, etc.

. in the studios: painting, drawing, sculpture and goldsmithing; the in educational workshops: engineering creation, equipment construction, cookery, grape and wine and other implemented projects, which end with exhibition-presentations;

. educational service in the Saint Trinity Church,

. environmental improvement project, which ends with the presentation-transfer of the project;

. presentation-summary of volunteer work results;

. summary of the learner-teacher projects;

. publicizing individual indicators of trips, camps, creative gatherings, participation in reviews, volunteer work;

. country study educational trips,

. publicizing of the individual works of professional orientation;

 . The duration and terms of students’ participation in the individual components of the “Farewell” module, differ according to the students’ preferences, preparation, and learning style.

  • Additional education is organized in the High School and College training centers, and it is aimed at the development of the student’s preferences, subject preparation for admission to Armenian and foreign universities, training of a profession (craft);
  • In the fourth academic period, the student participates in the final exams, other forms of educational activities of his choice in the training camp, additional education projects;
  • Voluntary work is a service provided by the student in the EduComplex workshops-educational center and laboratories in year-round projects, the content and duration of which is determined by the agreement of the student and the employer with the approval of the head of the school. The student can do volunteer work in another organization at his choice.
  • Self-education of the learner is encouraged by organizing individual counseling and publicizing the results.
  • The learner can implement other projects on his/her own initiative by developing it, submitting for approval, and registering in the educational calendar.
  • The evaluation is done by the credit system in the established order. Annual grades for a 12th grade student are determined by the credits earned as a result of educational activities. Credit is given for the results of the courses determined by the student’s curriculum, the results of other educational activities of the student, including projects, reviews, exhibitions, concerts, festivals, trips, camps, additional education programs.
  • The educational program ends with a graduation document, with the results of the state graduation or joint exams, according to the procedure established by the Ministry of Education Culture and Sports of RA.

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